Rachel & Adam Preview

Also more coming soon... a wonderful story and some photos on the beach (and the ice caves!). Do not miss the gorgeous video at the end of the post that my husband, Daniel, sneakily shot while I obliviously took Adam and Rachel's portraits at Cannon Beach. He captured some really wonderful moments-- I wish he could come along to all my shoots! 

Stay tuned. Lots of PNW beauty to share coming up.

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Created by Daniel Lyon

Music by the talented Caleb Groh

Art for Orphans

Recently my friend Adam (who does cool stuff with Rethink Creative Group, as well as his own awesome work here) asked me if I'd be interested in donating some photos for this project called Art for Orphans. Art for Orphans is selling original artwork to help raise money to send to an organization called Family Legacy, who provide food, a home, education, and unconditional love to orphaned children in Zambia. 



I really respect and admire what they're doing. Watch this video; it will probably show and explain a bit better than I can. I hope you'll follow their links, read more about what they're doing and get really excited about helping these children!



If you'd like to contribute, you can buy prints of some of my photos as well as the work from other artists here, knowing that your purchase proceeds are all going towards the people making things happen in Zambia. I'm not sure when else decorating a living space has so benefited someone else on the other side of the globe. 

Below you can see just a few of my photos that are for sale on the site. They're a combination of film and digital images taken around Washington state and in various cities in Italy. 

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Don't fret; coming soon

Tell me, do any of you have so many to-do lists you can hardly keep track of them all? If so we're in good company, because I'm forever consolidating my endless lists. I'll find one from a few days prior with almost all the items crossed off, but one or two stubborn things yet to be completed, and on they go, to my current list (that already had enough items, thank you). Then I also have multiple lists that vary in urgency: the short-term versus long-term tasks that need to be separated out so that I can prioritize time when I find myself asking, "How in the world am I going to avoid being completely behind in every area of my life?" Sometimes I'll even make "wouldn't-it-be-nice-if-I-were-productive-enough-to-get-all-these-things-completed" lists that I know are unrealistic and that I have no intention of doing in one short time frame. 

This blog has been on one of those items on a looooong-term to do list... Something I knew I needed to just sit down and pound out. But when you aren't as tech-savvy enough to, you know, write your own code for the exact blog of your dreams, and you annoy yourself with your own perfectionism... things tend to delay a bit.

Despite much delay and too many transferred lists, I'm thrilled to announce that this long-awaited (at least on my end) blog is coming soon, and I can't wait to start semi-regularly sharing some current work and pretty things I'm making here, especially since the layout is SOOO much friendlier to photo quality (thanks, Facebook! You really spurred me on towards getting this done).

